You're going places.

If those places happen to be off the beaten path, take the stress out of travel prep and book a consult with our travel-certified pharmacists. They'll give you advice on how to avoid the woes of far-away destinations including the treatment, prevention of common travel-related conditions and yes, all the vaccinations.

We offer low-cost consults and injections and direct insurance billing where applicable and for qualifying cases.

Here are just some of the conditions we can help you prepare for, prevent, and treat through both vaccinations and advice:

  • Cholera

  • Diarrhea

  • Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B

  • Malaria

  • Meningococcal Meningitis

  • Motion sickness

  • Typhoid

  • Shingles

Want to know more?

The Pharm Drugstore, Pharmacy Calgary Unit 103a, 3009 14th Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 3V6 Phone: (403) 764-3080